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三菱电机公司美国分公司前总经理木内多知(Tachi Kiuchi)曾发表了一个著名的演讲,题目叫《我在雨林中学到的》,他说:“我学到的有关商业的最重要的课程,并非来自企业,而是雨林。”他在演讲中解释道,雨林比世界上任何一个企业都更有生产力,它是众多动植物的家园,陆地已知物种有2/3以上生活在雨林中,这些生物完美地“融合”在一起,相互依存,并不断地使整个雨林生态系统运行得更加高效。想象一下,如果我们像雨林那样经营企业,我们会多么具有创造力,多么有益于生态!


参考及延伸阅读:《第五项修炼变革篇》。作者:彼得 圣吉等。以及发布在Future500(www.future500.org)网站上的文章:What I Learned in the Rainforest: Lessons for World Environment Day (该网页暂时无法链接,请过一段时间后重新点击)。

亚马逊上可以买到原版书What We Learned in the Rainforest: Business Lessons from Nature

该书介绍:What We Learned in the Rainforest presents a surprising new business principle: by applying strategies and practices gleaned from nature -- by emulating what it once sought to conquer -- big business can attain greater and more sustainable profits. With clear, direct language and dozens of real-world examples, the authors show how a company can become, like nature, a complex living system that doesn't merely balance competing interests but truly integrates them. Examples from leading companies include Coca-Cola's use of diversity to drive sales; 3M's technique of managing for innovation; Coors's ""all waste is lost profit"" theory; and Shell's ""industrial ecosystem"" approach.